Sunday, 3 July 2011

An Indefinate Hiatus

The title says it all really.

This blog was designed to be an experiment in whether or not machinima is completely worthy of independent review. I personally believe it is; however, recent work commitments, both in personal creative projects and in academic endeavours have severely set me back in my reviews. Rather than attempt a rushed catchup and then struggle to keep my head with all the other diversions (including preliminary writing of my own machinima series) for a few more months I have decided to cease reviews forthwith. In time, perhaps I will be able to resume blogging, but for now I have nothing but gratitude for the 200-odd people who viewed this blog, read reviews and passed them on. I am sorry that my other passions caused me to flag in my own output, my very best wishes to you all. Please watch this space in the coming months, perhaps publication will resume or something will come to my attention that warrants discussion. Whatever the case, goodbye, for now.

The Machinima Review
"If the critics were always right, we should be in deep trouble" - Robert Morely

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