Sunday, 26 June 2011

The Dark: The Killing Gene [Moviestorm]

Please 'Turn Of The Dark'... it's just awful...
Rating: NO STARS

Creator: ComputerGirlTV (
Distrubuted by: (

Watch it here:

I'd never heard of Moviestorm as a machinima engine but it seems to be a lacklustre version of The Sims 2 (the character models are terrible) with more props and far-less personality. Watching The Dark: The Killing Gene put me in mind of a bad Twilight Zone episode as imagined by dead-eyed budget action figures. Any promise in the premise (scientist theorises a gene with explains humanities capactiy for violence) is ruined with the appearence of a fedora-wearing Eastern European (with the worst voice acting and accent I've heard in quite some time) who puts the protaganist through a scenario rejected by even the most lacklustre Hollywood thriller writers on account of it being boring, utterly nonsensical and just plain bad. The puppetry is hilarious (the spasmotic parabolic arc of an arm holding a phone is just one of many terrible moments), the music is bland and cookiecutter and the engine itself is diabolical. When people complain about there not being enough actual machinima on the Machinima network, they didn't mean they wanted this miserable excuse for a film.

The Machinima Review
"If the critics were always right, we should be in deep trouble" - Robert Morely

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