Saturday, 18 June 2011

Good Grief - Smiley Club - Episode 69 [Halo 3]

Smiles all round...
Rating: ****

Distributed by: GoodGriefing (

Watch it here:

It's not often a griefing video warms the cockles of your heart, but this might just do it. Low on insults but heavy on the fun, the slowly growing 'Smiley Club' is a lovely example of gamers who (gasp) aren't afraid to enjoy gaming. In a world populated by kill/death ratios and obnoxious elite players it's nice to see that some people are willing to goof around and just play the game with a smile on their faces. The revelation of a girl gamer who doesn't take the team's quasi-chauvinistic banter seriously is a joy to hear, her fits of giggles, not annoying or fake but real and musical make the video worthwhile. Several comments state she should join the team or at least feature in more videos, something I would applaud as girl gamers often seem the silent majority against the sexless nerds and fist-pumping imbeciles which subject them to appalling abuse. Her pater with CRIMS0NKANE is priceless: "One thing about us getting married though is you'd have to convert to Judaism my mother won't have it any other way..." Hilarious and charming.

The Machinima Review
"If the critics were always right, we should be in deep trouble" - Robert Morely

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