Saturday, 11 June 2011

Good Grief - One Of Our Best Pranks Yet? - Episode 67 [Xbox Live]

Some dogs don't need new tricks.

Creator: Kyle Beauregard A.K.A Crazy Filmmaker (
Distributed by: GoodGriefing (

Watch it here:

Attempting to illicit sympathy from the gentlemen at Good Grief is rather like banging your head against a brick wall... that's also insulting your mother. For years they have poked the sleeping dragon of Internet rage, their pranks have reduced 8-year old trashtalkers to tears, wannabe MLG players to meltdown and their fans to hysterics as their ribald jibes cut through the layers of bravado, pretension and terrible comebacks that so epitomise online gaming and particularly Xbox Live.

Here we see an interesting situation, the gentlemen in question (who is no doubt having his Inbox bombarded with friend requests/insults, make of that what you will) has tangled with the group before (in one of their excellent series of 'Humiliation' videos) and is not happy. Unable to grasp the humour in arguing that Beauregard and Co. "made [him] lose all my hard-working COD points!", he demands a rematch in a game of their choice to reclaim his battered honour (and avenge his lost fictional in-game currency):

Crazy Filmmaker: "Monopoly!"
The Challenger: "No, Monopoly is for virgins.",
Crazy Filmmaker: "... Fine, play me in UNO."

As the whole argument is static to an XBL Party Chat it's not the most interesting debate to watch, but from the first burst of expletives to the suddenly silence of the boot it's Good Grief through and through. A nice filler between their main content.

The Machinima Review
"If the critics were always right, we should be in deep trouble" - Robert Morely

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