Monday, 13 June 2011

Master Chief In Real Life: The Grocery Store [Live Action]

Clean up in aisle 3, some kid knocked over the food nipple display...
Rating: ***

Creator: Bryan Simon (
Distributed by: (


For as long as there have been hand-held cameras there have been people dressing up invading the normal world. Master Chief In Real Life occupies some strange niche between reality/hidden camera and scripted skit. Accompanied by some charmingly whimsical music straight from an episode of Mr Bean he glides around a supermarket picking up items both fictional and available (what exactly goes into 'Grunts Cereal'?). The novelty of this kind of video doesn't wear off easily, and the reaction shots from various staff and shoppers make this a fun little way to spend a few minutes. It doesn't play for huge laughs, but the suggestions for Chief's next location should give this series some mileage and room to grow.

The Machinima Review
"If the critics were always right, we should be in deep trouble" - Robert Morely

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