Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Who's That Knocking? [Halo: Reach]

Bells and whistles with a decidedly wooden base...
Rating: **

Creator: McCallahanIndustries (http://www.youtube.com/McCallahanIndustries)
Distributed by: Machinima.com (http://www.machinima.com/)

Watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to9vWLFkdfM

If one thing reverberates throughout Who's That Knocking? it's that it should be better. Don't get me wrong, its not terrible, but its hard to take seriously something with a story this cliché and a script this stilted. When a UNSC outpost goes dark, a lone soldier is sent to investigate, whoever can't guess the rest  hasn't seen half the Halo: Reach machinima out there. What makes this piece tolerable are the gilded edges, mainly post-production effects. A hovering UAV watches the single SPARTAN  through a filter that's half-Predator and half-AC130 from Modern Warfare, Covenant battlecruisers sail through the sky and a full-scale hologram stands as the last surviving remnant of the outpost. The possibility of a sequel leaves some room for improvement, with a little bit more work on the story this could become a  very passable series. Oppurtunity knocks indeed.

The Machinima Review
"If the critics were always right, we should be in deep trouble" - Robert Morely

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