Saturday, 18 June 2011

Flesh Candy - S1E2 [Halo: Reach]

Loud, bloody, brilliant.
Rating: ****

Creator: Cory Crater (
Distributed by: (

Watch it now:

If the first episode of this interesting hybrid zombie thriller was saturated in a sickly yellow glow of contagion, then this is heavily swaddled in doom clouds. Shit's goin' down. 28 Days-style. A General Melchett-esque decision to camp outside the infected stronghold leads to a large sweeping battle, a row of snipers fire akin to the longbowmen of old, rockets thunder across the battlefield and bodies go flying. It's both epic and intimate as individual soldiers are picked out amongst the fray and meet their grisly ends.

Though there's a fair bit of cliché in the story, cynical troops swapping black humour, incompetent fellow soldiers and suicidal commanding officers, the sequence which speaks most about this series potential is the first few minutes, dark, bewildering and (in the right mood) rather scary. The agonised shrieking and convulsing of a trooper undergoing infection is another highlight. Flesh Candy has spills, chills, thrills and more to come, a very promising series.

The Machinima Review
"If the critics were always right, we should be in deep trouble" - Robert Morely

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