Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Good Grief - Back Up Vocals 3 [Episode 70, Black Ops] & Zombies Are STOOPID [Episode 71, Black Ops Zombies]

Apologies for the double bill review but I'm a bit behind and trying to catch up on releases so this will be short.
  • Back Up Vocals 3: ***
  • Zombies Are STOOPID: ***
Distributed by: GoodGriefing (

Watch them here:

Two of Good Grief's most popular characters/skits make a return here, the dulcet tones of ToFastForSeth narrating his game in Back Up Vocals 3 and the nasal whining of CRIMS0NKANE as he informs all the ignorant gamers why Zombies Are STOOPID. The first has it's moments but it really depends on the improved lines of Seth and the quality of the reactions, both of which are fairly standard. There's nobody being ridiculously angry, though the kid trying to direct the whole team by designating himself "Captain" is nicely surreal and the final parting shot of the video is great.

Zombies Are STOOPID starts of, oddly enough, with CRIMS0NKANE offering relationship advice. The victim's realisation that KANE is trolling him is actually slightly sad to hear but hey-ho. On to the History Channel... the usual jokes about helmets and erroneous facts but now with a romantic tone as the nasal-nerd invents a girlfriend for himself. The humour naturally comes with the absurdity of the zombie survival game mode and the nerds off-hand comments. It's a shame that CRIMS0N's chosen audience actually seem quite receptive of his initial sentiments but his constant barrage of conceits eventually sour the mood. All in all the quality of the premise is as strong as ever but it's overlong and a little laboured.

The Machinima Review
"If the critics were always right, we should be in deep trouble" - Robert Morely

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