Sunday, 19 June 2011

Self Defence With Portals [Live Action]

This is the part where he tells them the video was rubbish.
Rating: *

Creator: Andrew McMurry (
Distributed by: (

Watch it here:

Hello, the video was rubbish. Or rather is. And still continues to be. I don't claim to live in America but if I'd found a portal gun which isn't even a real portal gun (instead it's some sort of reskinned airsoft P90) and escaped a mugging I would, let's say, run away from the confused attackers. Last time I checked, reopening a portal, shooting one of your muggers in the chest and then sending the other to the surface of the sun isn't called self-defence if you've already evaded the attack. It's called cold-blooded murder of two individuals who just happened to be criminals. This video is bad, the prop is absurd, the premise has a certain wasted potential, the characters are boring and repellent (especially the 'hero') and the portal effects are weak as is the logic for using them. Disappointing.

The Machinima Review
"If the critics were always right, we should be in deep trouble" - Robert Morely

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